Sunday, January 8, 2012

Eden Eternal Review


Eden Eternal is an anime-style, multi-class MMORPG. You may be asking yourself, "What the balls is a multi-class MMORPG?" Well it's kinda obvious... It has many classes! "Balt, most MMORPGs have many classes!" In Eden Eternal, there is a total of 16 classes to choose from and play, but what makes it special is that you can switch between classes at any time.
At the click of a button, a super strong warrior class character changes into a magic-casting healer class. This class system is unique and is probably the biggest unique selling point (yes, a business term) of Eden Eternal. You start out choosing one of two character classes (Magician, or Warrior) and as you advance your character level and class level you unlock new classes and new class skills. This makes it a lot easier to enter dungeons and actually clear them without having to wait for that special healer to come along with you. If you can't find a party member with the certain class you're looking for, just hit that transform button and you're all good.

Pets and Mounts

Eden Eternal has a pet system, in which your pet follows you around and picks up dropped items for you and can sometimes give you special buffs depending on what kind of pet it is (Magic, or Battle). There are mounts in Eden Eternal which give you a movement speed boost and help you become more of a chick magnet. Or if you're a girl, it makes you more of a... guy... magnet? Here's a picture of my pet:

Guild Towns

The guild system lets you and your guild own your very own (too many "own"s and "your"s) town where the guild leader can build shops and have NPC's run them.

Guild Quests

There are two types of quests in this game, Guild quests, and normal quests. Guild quests reward you with guild fame (which advance your guild's level, and make you look cool on the guild list when you have a bigger number than everyone else), and more gold than normal quests do. Normal quests are, well... quests that are normal. But for those who don't know, you basically are required to talk to someone or kill something and are rewarded some cash or gear.


There are a total of five classes: Human, Zumi, Ursun, Anuran, and Halfkin (Eternal Child). Zumi is basically a rat, Ursun is a large bear, and Anuran is a frog. I don't know why they give complicated and hard-to-forget names, but whatever. Races do have an impact on gameplay, although not a large one. Specific races can craft specific items. Humans have gem crafting, Zumi can "Engineer", Anuran can do alchemy, Ursun can "engrave", and Halfkin have embroidery. Right now, I cannot tell you what those things specifically are, because I don't know. But racial crafting does give players more customization and makes every player important to the economy in some way.

Enchantment and Fortification

There are two ways to advance equipment, by enchantment, and fortification. Fortification is a process in which either a piece (segment, part, whatever term you like) of armor or a weapon's statistics are upgraded. The success rate of fortification depends on how many times that piece of equipment has already been fortified and the bonus item you choose to fortify it with. The more you fortify, the less the success rate is each time. If you fail the fortification process, you character is deleted from the game, and your account receives an IP ban. No, I'm joking, but your item will be destroyed unless you fortify with a safety stone, which basically protects your item from being destroyed in case of a fail fortification process. Enchanting is simply giving you character boosts when equipping an item. For example, if I equip a weapon i enchanted, my max HP will increase. The difference between enchantment and fortification is that enchantment boosts character stats, and fortification boosts item stats.

Break Point System

There also is a special Break Point system, which gives all enemies weaknesses for the players to take advantage of. Along with the HP and MP bars for each monster, there is a BP bar. If you find out the monsters weakness (long range attacks, using a specific weapon, etc.) you can do more damage to it. The only way to find out a monster's weakness is to try new ways of killing it. This makes the gameplay a lot less boring, and gives each monster a whole new characteristic.

Lover System

Eden Eternal presents it's players with an opportunity to have a "lover". Being in a couple with another player gives both players opportunities to have special buffs, equip special costumes and items, and have special skills. THE BEST PART IS: SAME SEX RELATIONSHIP IS ALLOWED. That's why I started playing, I kid I kid.

Player Housing

If you haven't already had enough of Eden Eternal's endless customization options (they paid me to say that) than you can rent your own house. Renting a house lets you have your own personal space that you can decorate and chillax in. You can only rent a house in your guild's town, and rent depends totally on your level. You can purchase furniture from NPCs or collect them from monster droppings (say what?!)... monster drops. For those party animals, you can throw a party once a day in your house, and you need to have atleast 3 people for the party to start. The most I got was 2, but then my second client closed for some reason.

Achievements and Legends

If you hate grinding and laughing at noobs, then you can focus solely on completing the story quests which you give achievements and help you record legends. There are tons of legends and achievements which only adds a whole nother world of gameplay experience.

MMO Factory Rates

Graphics: 8/10

Gameplay: 7/10

Player Base: 8/10

Music and Sound: 9/10

Customization: 9/10

Total: 41/50


- Bright and attractive environment
- Nonlinear development
- Focus on playing together with guilds and parties
- Multi-dimensional gameplay


- Only Humans and Halfkins can choose between male and female
- Clothes and armor do not influence appearence, but instead whole outfits can be unlocked
- Colors can be changed using items, but only minimally

If you want to play, visit:


*Eden Eternal is published by Aeria Games.

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